Fastest Browser for Linux Phone (arm64/aarch64) : Thorium

1 min readOct 18, 2023


> Using droidian here, same process for Ubuntu Touch

  • It was pretty hard to find a good browser for linux phone,


  1. Go to Thorium Raspi releases , download the latest arm64.deb release. This was intended to be used on Raspberry Pi but it just works.
sudo apt install ./location_to_deb_file_downloaded

! 660 MB disk space required ; tbh that’s a lot but whatever -_-


  1. Launch the browser : terminal thorium-browser or app drawer
  2. By default it will run using xwayland on wayland, so lets change that :

> go to chrome://flags

> search ozone and change Preferred Ozone Platform to Wayland

> relaunch

3. Enable Touch UI Layout

> chrome flags -> Touch UI Layout to enabled

4. On droidian the default scale might make the full ui not visible ; so :

> go to your “Mobile Settings” app on droidian

> Under compositor, turn on Thorium Browser for scaling down of running applications

5. Increase/Decrease Page Zoom in Thorium Settings according to your preference

and thats it :) enjoy !



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